When you think about it a Channel swim is going to last about 15 hours, I stroke about 60 strokes a minute. So 60 arm strokes like this is 3600 an hour, which is about 50,000 over 15 hours. And then when you say to yourself your legs are moving 2, 3 or 4 kicks to an arm stroke then you begin to understand that’s a hundred thousand, 200 thousand slappings around the leg, so at that point grease is important. For me I covered myself from head to foot in Vaseline and lanoline and I wasn’t proud at all to do it.And also its so mucky and so difficult to get off afterwards. When you come out the sea and you are frozen cold its very rare that there are nice hot showers and if there are hot showers there is no soap, or something like that, life never runs simply. So most of the events you keep grease down to a minimum but for the Channel – who cares!.The tide is terribly important this is why when you set out on a channel swim, when you first book your channel swim you need to be booking them 2 or 3 years ahead now you are given a window, lets say it might be the 17th to the 23rd, or 24th August. Now that window serves two purposes, one it’s at the bottom of the neap tides, and two hopefully you are going to get some good weather in that time because you want it as calm as possible. And if the calmness can combine with the bottom of the neap tides then that’s good. Neap tides are weak tides a week later the tides are spring tides and they are strong tides and why does it matter? It matters because if you look at a map the tides are going 6 hours up to London flooding up and 6 hours ebbing back. So you actually going from a to b, you are really going 12 miles that way, 12miles that way, 12 miles that way on a neap tide. If you go on the spring tides you are going 24 miles down, 24 miles back and then of course the tricky bit comes when you get to the cape in France and the current is hitting it and pushing you back out again, and at 4 knots its pushing you out further and faster than you can swim and you know as I will show you on the map later you can easily go back to Calais. Its not easy.The king of the channel is the person who has swum the channel more times that anybody else, as verified and authenticated by the channel swimming association and that’s me. And I got that record in 1979.There are many things I would do differently but it’s been a wonderful time, its had its ups, its had its downs there are many disappointments and failures are all part of character building all I would say is yes I would do it all again but given the chance I would do it better. Most definitely. |